Monday, July 24, 2006

I am being blogged! :D

Yowza! I haven't been using this particular blog much, so I had to go find it again. I did a search for blogs with the key phrase "Anitra Freeman" -- and found that other people had posted blogs quoting me. That is a surprise to lift the spirits, innit? :D

First, I found my Beltane poem quoted at Everyday Goddess -- and I have bookmarked that blog forever, I love her spirit!

Then I found my review of Merchants of Misery: How Corporate America Profits from Poverty quoted at the blog Bank-Notes . And that looks like one to bookmark. too. :)

Then I found Morning Has Broken. Morning Has ALWAYS Been Broken at The Super Man's blog -- and he has used a quote from it in his blog headline. Super-chuff. :D Looks like I'll have a new MySpace friend. :) (BTW: "If I saw 5 am on the sidewalk, I'd shoot it." seems to be the all-time favorite line from that piece.)

I was gratified to know that some of my articles on bipolar disorder are proving useful: Identifying Bipolar Disorder and Living with Bipolar Disorder are recommended at an online Bipolar Support Group.

I will have to keep an eye on me in the future. :D

Write On!

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